Ilana Nachoum

Feldenkrais Teacher & Physical Therapist

LinkedIn Journey Beyond Pain

Ilana Nachoum has been a Feldenkrais teacher and physical therapist for more than 35 years. Her formal education include :  a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® (GCFP), trained with Anat Baniel,  Physical Therapist, Core specialist in training Masgutova Method for Neuro Sensory Motor Reflex Integration (MNRI), Hakomi method and Biofield Tuning, a form of sound healing and Shamanic healing. She integrates Somatic-Attachment-Shamanic therapy, based on Hakomi, AEDP, Sound Healing, and Meditation. As a wise elder, experienced, and creative therapist, Ilana works with a wide variety of clients in intimate connection with their physical, emotional and spiritual aspect of their lives. In the mid1980s, Ilana’s debilitating back pain inspired her to develop the versatile uses of Foam rollers as an exercise apparatus. Ilana’s international seminars and instructional videos on the application of the Foam rollers to rehabilitation, educated over a thousand movement therapists and helped thousands of people to ease their pain and discover and improve their relation with the Self. Ilana resides and works in Marin County CA, loves technology, art, nature and  especially the Art of being Human.