Kathleen Joy



LinkedIn LumiereWork

After 20+ years of experience working with leaders on a global scale, there are a few things Kathleen has noticed. Few people fully use the resources and intelligences available to get them want they really desire. Kathleen has identified the 4 major intelligences we all possess, and developed a methodology to create individual, collective, and cultural brilliance to allow us to create consciously and fully.

Kathleen holds a MA in Organizational Development from The California Institute of Integral Studies and a BA in Public Relations from the University of Michigan. While working in France for several years, she completed graduate-level work in Cross-Cultural Studies at the Université de Lyon II. Kathleen is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Certified Practitioner in The McKay Method of Energy Healing, and has earned credentials with the International Coaching Federation. In 2012, she started a compassion art project with teenagers called Letters to the Universe, which had collected over 5000 notes. Kathleen continues to create thoughtful and engaging experiences, including "Social Distortion" and "Inspirita". She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Specialties: Employee Retention/Engagement, Resilience, Creativity and Innovation