Mike Parsons


Chief Executive Officer


Since quitting university after seven weeks, Mike has gone on to achieve remarkable feats. He launched Australia's first internet radio station, lived in Europe and USA, claimed a Guinness Book of Record and sold his Silicon Valley Startup.

Mike is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Qualitance. Together with over 200 staff, he helps clients build future growth products - from banks in Europe to Ford Motors in Australia and Anastasia Beverly Hills in the USA.

During his time in advertising, Mike won many global awards - DA&D Pencils, Cannes Lion's, Effie's – even a TED award.

His talks span innovation, marketing and embracing change in the business world. He's passionate about understanding how to unlock the value in Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Rapid Prototyping, and Agile Development in a world defined by technology and data. He's appeared on CNN and the FT.

Mike is a life learner, join him for adventures in innovation with his Moonshots Podcast if you're after practical innovation tools and tips then jump into BottomUp Skills.