Ravé Mehta

Water Ledger

Chairman & CEO


Ravé Mehta is an entrepreneur, investor and a recipient of the Tesla Vision Award by the Tesla Science Foundation. Ravé is a managing partner of Flow Capital, and the founder and chairman of Water Ledger, which is creating a global water bank to help buffer the impact of climate change on our diminishing fresh water supply. Ravé is also a board member and former CEO of Mehta Group, an engineering and construction management firm building transportation infrastructure in the U.S. for over 40 years and has completed over 800 infrastructure projects including roads, highways, bridges, airports, and water systems. Ravé is a former board member of Space Florida (Florida Space Agency), and helped with the transition from the national space shuttle program to the commercial space program. Ravé is also an award-winning pianist and bestselling author for The Inventor, a graphic novel based on the true story of Nikola Tesla.