Beverly Rubik

Institute for Frontier Science

Founder & President

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Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of California at Berkeley.  She is internationally renowned for her pioneering research and discoveries at the frontiers of science, health, and wellness.  Dr. Rubik is especially known for her exploratory research on the biofield, the energy field associated with living organisms, and how low-level energy fields—including both therapeutic energy fields and electromagnetic pollution—affect us.   In search of the “fountain of youth,” she has examined how various properties of drinking water can improve our health and well-being, not only in relation to purity and mineral content, but by energizing (or structuring) water in novel ways.  She has researched methods that change the structure of water in subtle ways.  These include interfacial water (water at charged membrane surfaces); alkaline water from water ionizers; magnetic fields; electromagnetic fields; flow forms; and acoustic fields. She has also studied the effects of various types of commercial water structurizers.

Dr. Rubik has published ~90 scientific papers and 2 books, Life at the Edge of Science (1996), and The Interrelationship between Mind and Matter (1992), an edited volume.  She presently serves on the editorial boards of four peer-reviewed journals:  Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine; Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine; Integrative Medicine Insights; and the Journal of Vortex Science and Technology.  Dr. Rubik has won several awards for her scientific research, including the Alyce and Elmer Green Award in 2009 by the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, and the Integrity in Science Award by the Weston A. Price Foundation in 2015.  She has presented her original research on water over several years at the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, founded by Dr. Gerald Pollack. 

In academia Dr. Rubik was director of the Center for Frontier Science at Temple University in Philadelphia from 1988-1995, where she founded a journal, Frontier Perspectives, and published scientific reports from scientists worldwide on theories and novel discoveries that challenged mainstream science.  In 1996 Dr. Rubik founded the Institute for Frontier Science, a nonprofit laboratory, with support from Laurance S. Rockefeller, Sr., to continue her work and relocated it to California.   In 2002, IFS was awarded a US National Institutes of Health center grant for research on the biofield in consortium with researchers at the University of Arizona.  Dr. Beverly Rubik is presently an adjunct faculty member in the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences at Saybrook University, where she mentors masters and doctoral students.  

Recently Dr. Rubik founded Anutek LLC for research and development of novel products.  She is also a popular speaker nationally and internationally on various topics in frontier science and enhanced self care, including water and health.  She serves as a consultant to inventors and corporate clients.

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