Joyce Anastasia

Lead By Wisdom

Founder & CEO

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Joyce Anastasia at Lead By Wisdom is a passionate advocate for positive transformation and an initiator of new forms of quantum strategic and wise loving leadership, from the inside, out.   Joyce has served for over 20 years as an innovative leadership consultant, a multicultural counselor/spiritual healing practitioner and as a psi/psychology research educator.  Her life-affirming mission is to integrate best practices from current systems (inclusive of future impact) with new creative, ethical solutions and collaborations to contribute to a healthier, more thriving world for ALL OUR RELATIONS.

Joyce’s work has taken her into many diverse global arenas, including international consulting firms, healthcare/medical facilities, counseling organizations, as well as numerous educational and scientific research institutes.  Specifically, she recently served as a Scientific Research Managing Consultant for IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) with Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Garret Yount and other outstanding researchers on an innovative conscious healing project addressing the alleviation of chronic pain; she conducted pre-and-post tests for heart coherence, biofield measurements and water evanescence data with promising results for future funded research.   

As Creative Production Director for the non-profit Foundation for Global Humanity, Joyce  served as a liaison, interviewer and filmmaker co-creating multicultural projects/alliances to raise awareness of international issues “to record-document-preserve indigenous & contemporary ways of healing, knowing, and leading in the world,” (i.e. successfully co-contributing to the preservation of Colombia’s Santa Marta sacred waterways, threatened to be converted to dams).  Her Strategic Business Analyst work, strongly emphasizing People/Culture for Computer Science Corporation (CSC), involved leading projects for NYS/DOH’s $multi-million successful National restructuring/implementation of Medicare/Medicaid (averted severe losses with on-time/in-budget quality completion, followed by 3800 training hours to grateful multiple stakeholders). Additionally, as Chair, Lead and/or Assistant Professor in various universities/ colleges, Joyce’s uniqueness is reflected in her shared leadership style emphasizing the distinct, essential gifts/talents/experiences of each admin/faculty/student contributing to the whole.

Foundationally, she brings both her researcher and educator’s expertise into every experience she encounters, working directly one-on-one or in group contexts, whether in “brick-and-mortar buildings,” in her home office, on land where Indigenous tribes hold sacred space, or through virtual classrooms or meetings, etc.  Her native given name is Eagle Heart Bridge reflecting her core gifts – to facilitate the integration of head and heart, and logic and intuition, through Western/Eastern, and Indigenous practices (old and new) to evoke the greatest, most positively influencing wisdom teachings for these unprecedented times.  This focus is reflected in her book, Extraordinary Leadership During Extraordinary Times: Transforming World Systems Through the Hearts of Its Leaders.

With a global approach to priority issues (i.e. water, miraculous equality, etc.) on this planet, Joyce is currently engaged in an educational psi-research project that introduces a Nikola-Tesla-based device called the Theraphi.  It is intended to balance the vital body, enhancing the water within (purportedly activating water bonds to their greatest healing potential).  During her permission-based leadership and/or intuitive healing consulting sessions, she focuses on using this device to anchor the effectiveness of the session outcomes/practices, encouraging transformation from challenges to our highest potential as human beings ~ this includes the capacity to make clear and ethical decisions, to bring greater coherence personal-to-global, and to affect change that positively contributes now and 7+ generations into the future.  This research is part of a larger multi-million-dollar project that is currently being vetted for philanthropic funding.