Wendy Pabich

Water Futures

Founder & President

LinkedIn Wendy Pabich

“I've never met a water problem I didn't want to solve. I am a passionate Water Woman and have been working to resolve complex water challenges for several decades. I've studied, worked, analyzed, trekked, travelled, boated to the most distant reaches of the planet, academia, and my mind/body/spirit in search of know-how and answers. Along the way, I've earned a Ph.D. in water resources from MIT, written a book about my personal journey to reduce my water footprint, spoken to diverse audiences about all things water, painted up a storm, earned a yoga teacher's credential, and listened to the messages on offer by Water herself.

By applying an interdisciplinary lens, an array of tools, an artist's eye, I've helped dozens of clients with integrated solutions. I inspire organizations with impactful, engaging, and humorous keynote speeches on topics ranging from How to Reduce Your Water Footprint to Water Wisdom: What Water Teaches Us About Integration of Mind/Body/Soul.” - Wendy Pabich